
Posts Tagged ‘Chew’

I can’t describe this site better than it can describe itself. So, from the site All Hungary Media (a site that has created several news outlets for English speakers interested in more specific things in Hungary), which is responsible for Pestiside:

The award-winning Pestiside.hu is Central Europe’s most famous and heavily-trafficked English-language “alternative” publication, and has been featured on Hungarian state television, as well as on origo.hu, Népszabadság and Magyar Nemzet. Its unique and hard-hitting mix of tabloid news, political opinion, humor, gossip and tips on local dining and nightlife has won it a devoted local following, making it a key resource for reaching younger and more dynamic foreign residents and tourists.

All Hungary Media is also responsible for:

Caboodle.hu (general information), Chew.hu (food & wine), Realdeal.hu (business and real estate), Politics.hu (politics), and Sexiside.hu (adult website).

Thank you All Hungary Media for providing such a diverse source of Hungarian information for those of us who are interested in diverse Hungarian information!

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